
How Alok Found Strength Within

Let’s read to the story of a young MBA graduate in this own words on finding the path of Kriya yoga.


It was some time in 2016 that my sister recommended me to read the book “Autobiography of a Yogi”. I was a bit skeptical. Why would a Yogi write his autobiography? I read a few pages. But had put it down shortly.


Then it was in March 2017, my grandmother had passed away. She was very close to me and it was a difficult time coping up. I thought reading something positive would help me and it was then that I again picked up the Autobiography. The book gave me solace, learning how God has been with Yogananda and that God does take care of us.


In June 2017, I had resigned from my job as I wanted to do my MBA. My work life was very hectic and I wanted some rest and bring balance in my life. I had been long since inspired by reading the life stories of many saints, particularly Ramakrishna and was interested in meditation. It was soon that I discovered about Ananda Sangha & SRF ( Self Realisation Fellowship). I felt drawn towards the expansive nature of Ananda, particularly because of its online presence and the gamut of teachings and techniques they offer for free to everyone. I also learned that Ananda has a meditation App. I explored that and the guided meditations and the chanting became a part of daily life.


Gradually I learnt about Swami Kriyananda. I was skeptical about him also in the beginning. However, my soul found it’s resonance in his talks, songs, and lectures. Although I never saw him in person, I felt I knew him forever and this brought a sense of warmth and deep calm to my heart.


All this was going while professionally I was getting suggestions about how I should be shaping my career and what all things I need to accomplish next. The goal seemed ever evasive. This was the time I realized that there is no end to this wanting. I asked myself, what is it then that I truly want in life?


It was then that the spiritual path became very important to me. By the grace of God, it was soon that I discovered Ananda Home Study Course and the journey started. But it wasn’t easy. Being in a hostel, it was difficult having a fixed routine with morning and evening meditations. However, my mentor constantly gave me energy. Particularly after the discipleship ceremony, I started feeling a strength from within, which grew even stronger after taking initiation in Kriya Yoga. Now there is a call from within to meditate. There is an increasing sense of calmness within and I now have a companion, not outside but within, where I can go and get directions to my life.

Alok undertook Kriya Yoga Home Study Program and received Kriya initiation in the year 2019. Ever since he has been serving Yogananda’s mission through promotional activities with the Kriya Yoga Home Study team as well as with Ananda Kolkata Centre.

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