Kriya Yoga Home Study


Thank you for visiting us here.

If you would like to donate, please know where your donation will be utilized and how it will help the cause of donation.

Ananda Kriya Yoga Home Study is part of the Ananda Worldwide Movement. It is a Non-Profit Organization, managed by Ananda India Monastery.

We share Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings, who is better known as an author of the spiritual classic ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’.

Ananda’s mission is to serve mankind in realizing their highest potential - Finding the joy within.

“Divine Abundance follows the law of service and generosity. Give and then receive. Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you”

If you’ve been touched by the service and mission of Ananda Kriya Yoga Home Study through any means, following are the 3 main areas where your donation will be greatly appreciated.

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Ananda Kriya Yoga Home Study is an online program. There are several technological platforms such as the teaching platform, website, support portal that we need to maintain for uninterrupted operation and support. Other than this, there are some software/tools which help us manage data, emails, video conferencing, and accounting.

We also have some volunteers that help with these tasks without financial recompense but without the paid knowledgeable staff it wouldn't be possible to manage the current IT infrastructure.

Technology is the ‘Heart’ of our program.

We’re steadily growing our reach to different cities, countries in ‘Asia’ and ‘Africa’ in the coming months.

Your donation will be used toward sustainability and growth initiatives.

Creating a robust, scalable, and centralized IT infrastructure will be helpful for steady growth. It can manage more students easily, reduce the complexity in the backend operations, create a better user experience and bring simplicity. With this, our students, mentors, staff, and volunteers will be greatly benefited. On-demand IT tasks can be compensated.

(For Indian Residents only) Your Donation Is Tax-Deductible. It is eligible for 50% Tax Exemption under section 80G of the IT Act, 1961​.

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One may wonder why a work like this would require advertising/promotion. Paramhansa Yogananda said, “If Wrigley’s can advertise to get people to chew gum, why shouldn’t I advertise to get them to chew good ideas?”

Digital Promotion is the need of the hour for any online offering.

Currently, our digital promotions are limited to social media advertising and free inspiration. Our reach so far is India, South Africa, UAE, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Nepal. These countries do also have a greater potential that is untapped. Other than this, there are several other countries in Asia and Africa where Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings are waiting to be received.

There are some volunteers that help with these tasks without financial recompense but without the paid knowledgeable staff it wouldn't be possible to spread these ideas to new people.

Your donation will be utilized toward sustainability and growth initiatives.

Executing a multichannel digital promotion will help us reach more people through different channels/mediums. It can reach those thirsty souls who really want to learn Meditation, Kriya Yoga, or are interested in Yogananda’s teachings. Certain initiatives such as video content, online events can be started. On-demand creative assignments can be outsourced.

(For Indian Residents only) Your Donation Is Tax-Deductible. It is eligible for 50% Tax Exemption under section 80G of the IT Act, 1961​.

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Ananda Kriya Yoga Home Study is managed by the monks of Ananda India Monastery. Monks have renounced worldly life and dedicated their lives wholly to seeking and serving Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings. They are the backbone of the Kriya Yoga Home Study Program.


Thousands of people have learned how to meditate in the way that Paramhansa Yogananda taught because of the Kriya Home Study Course.


Without marriage and family duties, Ananda monastics are fully dedicated to a life of meditation and sadhana, or daily spiritual practice. As part of their sadhana, they actively serve in helping to spread the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.


Every month some portion of student donations go towards supporting the monks who give their time and energy to this project. Your donation can support the monks and ultimately the entire project of Kriya Yoga Home Study.

Link will take you to Ananda Monastery’s website.

Your support, small or big can help us sustain our work and grow.
We’ll be able to reach out to thousands of spiritual seekers who are still untouched by Yogananda’s wisdom.

“Many volunteers that help with different tasks without financial recompense, and some of the paid staff are Ananda Members who are true renunciates, in that if they were working elsewhere in the world they would draw salaries probably 5 to 10 times more what they earn with Kriya Home Study. But they have decided to use their time and energy to serve mankind.”

Nayaswami Shankara

– Director, Kriya Yoga Home Study