21 days Yogic lifestyle challenge

Ananda Kriya Yoga Home Study in collaboration with Ananda School of Yoga Invites you to join 21 Days Yogic Lifestyle challenge 

Challenge Starts on 10th April 2022

Class Timing

Sunday 5:00PM – 6:30 PM 

Monday – Friday 7:15 AM – 8:00AM Practice Sessions

More than 21 hours of live online classes by experienced yoga and meditation teachers to deepen your sadhana


Challenge Ends on 30th April 2022

Course Fees* : Rs 5000/-

Early Bird Fees extended till  5th April 2022* : Rs 4500/-

*Price inclusive of Course Book : Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness by Swami Kriyananda 

‘One of the goals of the yoga postures, is to reach a point where one’s every movement expresses the same grace as he expresses through the practice of the postures themselves. That is to say, the yoga postures should lead one out of the narrow confines of a specific group of poses to the realization that all of his movements can in a sense be yoga postures.’

 – Swami Kriyananda.

Why this course?

If you have been meditating and looking to take your spiritual practices to a deeper level , here is a course tailored to help you meet just these needs. 

You will get ample support from long time practitioners to build your personal practice of Ananda Yoga. 

A practise of yoga Asanas and Pranayam will help you not just physically but also spiritually, mentally and emotionally. 

When learnt and practised regularly, you will enhance your vitality and well-being 

Fight weakness, physical fatigue, resistance, discomfort, pain and mental resistances by living a yogic lifestyle

Improve flexibility of body and awareness of mind to take your meditation deeper 

Learn gentle natural movements with minimum strain and maximum benefits



What will you learn?

30 Ananda Yoga Asanas including a warm up routine for deeper relaxation and meditation

Principles of breathing – How to breathe correctly and build breath stamina

5 Pranayamas for calming the mind and cleansing mental toxins

Three Guided Meditations that you can practise for calming the mind

Experience Yoga Nidra – Super- conscious relaxation at will

Practise four yoga routines designed by Swami Kriyananda

How to consciously cast out of your body with every exhalation all laziness, hesitations, restlessness and indifference

What will you get?

21 hours of live classes by experienced yoga and meditation teachers

Knowledge and practise of Ananda Yoga Asanas and affirmation

A course book – Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness – By Swami Kriyananda

Confidence to build a personal habit and routine of practicing asanas to prepare the body for deeper meditation

Deepen your inner awareness 

Enjoy your meditations more effortlessly

Make four yoga routines designed by Swami Kriyananda your own